- Press release about our work on plasmonic hydrogen sensors with ppb limit of detection and the new competence centre TechForH2. Link.
- Press release about our startup Envue Technologies AB being selected for the prestigious REACH programme in Silicon Valley organized by the Swedish Innovation Agency. Link.
- Christoph joins the scientific advisory board of the startup IFLAI AB. Link.
- Our startup Envue Technologies wins the prize for the “Young Idea of the Year” by Företagarna. Link. Video.
- Press release about our Nature Methods publication on Nanofluidic Scattering Microscopy. Link.
- Our startup Envue Technologies wins the Venture Cup West Game Changer prize. Link. Video.
- IVA 100 list 2022 -Technology in the service of humanity for our Nanofluidic Scattering Microscopy Method and the startup Envue Technologies AB. Link.
- Insplorion AB, a company that Christoph co-founded based on his PhD work in 2009 is now listed on Nasdaq First North. Link.
- Press release about single particle catalysis work published in Science Advances and Nature Communications. Link.
- Press release about our work on single particle catalysis in nanoreactors published in Nature Communications. Link.
- Christoph, Joachim and Barbora co-found the startup Envue Technologies AB togeher with the Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship and Chalmers Ventures to commercialize Nanofluidic Scattering Microscopy. Link.
- Press release about our work on single particle hydrogen sensing published in Nature Communications. Link.
- Article in SVT Västnytt about our NO2 sensor developed together with Insplorion AB. Link.
- Press release about our plasmonic NO2 sensors for air quality monitoring. Link (English), Link (Swedish)
- Video about the world’s fastest hydrogen sensor we have developed. Link.
- Press release about the world’s fastest hydrogen sensor. Link.
- Video about our research towards single molecule detection. Link.
- Video about or research in single particle catalysis in nanoreactors. Link.
- Press release about our work on single nanoparticle mapping published in Nature Communications. Link.
- Interview with Christoph about his KAW fellow project on expanding plasmonics with new materials. Link.
- Interview with Christoph about his KAW project on single particle catalysis in nanoreactors. Link.